Benefits of cycling on physical health
Cycling exposes you to sunlight that generates vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D helps prevent osteoporosis, breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Cycling helps in improving cardiovascular fitness by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing blood pressure. Cycling 20 miles per week can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease to less than half.
It increases joint movement and therefore, reduces the risk of arthritis by strengthening joints. Cycling motion can strengthen knees by providing nourishment that builds up cartilage.
Being an aerobic workout, it helps pump in more oxygen in the lungs, thereby making then stronger. It combats the danger of acquiring respiratory ailments.
Cycling increases the production of cells that attack bacteria and strengthens the immune system.
The sweat generated during cycling helps you get rid of various toxins present in your body, leaving you with a healthier skin and body.
Helps in losing weight
Cycling is a fast and an energetic workout that helps in improving the metabolic rate of the body. At a speed of 12 mph on a flat road you can burn some 450 kcal an hour. This will help you lose weight and combat the ill-effects of obesity.
Cycling mainly works the upper thigh, calf and backside muscles. It helps in shaping and firming thighs, calf muscles and the pelvis region. It works in reducing cellulite from the thigh region as well.
Mental Fitness
Cycling releases endorphins in the blood stream that helps in reducing stress and creating a feeling of contentment and happiness.
It helps in building a child’s self-confidence and stimulates his\her overall growth.
Cycling outdoors brings you closer to nature, helps you appreciate the scenic beauty and gives you a sense of freedom. You can escape the hum drum of your busy life, give wings to your imagination and set your spirit free.
It is easy to incorporate cycling in your daily routine. If you don’t have the extra time for a fitness program use a cycle as a means of transport to office or for errands to the market and enjoy the benefits of cycling.